Lecture & Seminars - SynCat - Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis

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Lecture & Seminars

Study info > for SynCats
Curriculum - What kind of courses will be taught

Basic Module „Synthesis“
Modern methods of inorganic and organic synthetic chemistry are taught and practically applied in customized lab courses.
Basic Module “Catalysis”
This module covers aspects of modern catalysis ranging from catalyst design via mechanistic studies to new fields of catalysis including photocatalysis in both theory and practice.
Basic Module “Techniques”
Structure elucidation and computational chemistry are the central aspects of this module, which is completed by preparing an individual research proposal.
Advanced Module “Techniques”
In small-group lab courses a variety of structure elucidation methods are applied to identify unknown compounds and reactive intermediates. In addition, a computational chemistry tutorial allows you to investigate reaction mechanism by means of modern theoretical methods.

External (International) Module “Research”
In this customized research stay of about 2 months of duration, practical research experience is acquired in an international context.

Concluding Module
A scientific excursion and a methods course in the scientific sub-discipline of the Master’s thesis belong to this module.

Master’s Thesis Module
In the Master’s thesis, a question from chemistry or a related scientific discipline will be answered for the most part independently and by using the scientific methods learned before.

You can download the complete module catalog here.

Semester Overview - See how the semesters of your SynCat studies will be arranged

The recommended time schedule to complete the SynCat program within the standard period of study (four semesters) varies slightly depending on whether you start your studies in the winter or summer semester.

Your schedule for summer semester 2025

Lecture period in summer semester 2025: April 23 to July 25, 2025
Tuesday, April 22 and Tuesday, June 10 are lecture-free.

Important for all the courses:
In the course catalog of the UR you will find information on the lectures and whether or where you have to register for the course (select Master of Science, Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis).
Also sign up in GRIPS as all information will be communicated via the GRIPS mailing system!

Please find here the links to your schedules:

Master of Science
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
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