Coordination - SynCat - Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis

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The SynCat Team
Prof. Dr. Burkhard König
Speaker of the SynCat program
Dr. Anja Stromeck-Faderl
Program Coordination SynCat
Study Counseling
Room CH 03.1.86
Tel: +49 (0) 941 943 2568

Office hours:
Monday and Thursday from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
(by appointment)
Contact by e-mail Monday to Friday

Viola Rappenegger
Assistant SynCat Program
Room CH 03.1.86
Tel. +49 (0) 941 943 3697

Prof. Dr. Julia Rehbein
Study advise (related to the chemistry content)
Lecuring in various courses of catalysis and theoretical chemistry
Options for Master thesis work (and beyond)

Dr. Jonathan Bauer
Study advise (related to the chemistry content)
Lecuring in courses of catalysis....
Options for Master thesis work (and beyond)
Master of Science
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
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