What is special about SynCat? - SynCat - Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis

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What is special about SynCat?

Study info
SynCat is highly research oriented.
The practical training takes either place in the research groups or in small groups with a small ratio of tutor to student to maximize the in depth training on structure elucidation methods. The training of computational modelling of molecular properties and reactivity comprises a small resarch project.

SynCat has an external module.
Imagine you could go abroad for two month to visit a laboratory and take part in its research during your studies. With the choice of the group being in your hands, and at the same time you would get financial support to cover some of the extra costs and you would not loose time for finishing your master degree. This is exactly what the external module included in the SynCat curriculum is about.

SynCat has an ideal ratio of students to professors and makes use of different mentoring schemes in place.
We ensure by a thorough selection scheme that only excellent students get access. At the same time the small cohorts of max. 15 new students per term ensure, that all benefit from an intense learning experinces due the the smaller classes.
In addition we have established two mentoring schemes targeting differnet aspects.
The Mentor-Mentee scheme involves a professor for each student to discuss matters from content taught, to planning the future career steps.
The peer-to-peer scheme ("buddy") was established to help especially students new to the UR and Regensburg to settle in more quickly and with lower effort.

SynCat contains technical English language courses.
English for Chemistry courses are included in our SynCat curriculum, to make sure that all graduates reach the level of subject-specific English C1 as an important prerequisite for working in an international environment.

SynCat offers German language courses for international students.
The Language Centre at our university offers international students a wide range of courses in German as a foreign language. There are intensive language courses as well as study-accompanying courses at different times and for all levels, so that students can either acquire basic German skills or expand their language skills.
SynCat offers contact with guest lecturers.
Our students not only have the opportunity to attend the talks of our numerous guest lecturers, but also meet with them in small groups for so-called SynCat interviews to ask questions and thus also learn more about the person behind the scientists.
Master of Science
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
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